I am so busy, I have not even read the new Buffy comic. Yikes.
Not only has been a semester of intense proportions, but more than ever, I'm unsure about my gig as college writing instrutctor-naire. Because I'm not sure the -naire part is happening. This will find its way here, soon, or maybe a little later than soon, but just know that I have had some not-so-nice conversations with up-there authority figures about my own skills when it comes to instructing the younguns. And that's been a little destructive, but also, a little helpful. Because I'm thinking about myself in terms of work and myself in terms of work is maybe not who myself is at this very moment. In other words, maybe myself is disconnected from the work and thus, needs to find other work. Again, more explanation in mere months.
In leui of no writing of consequence, of having nothing much to say at this juncture, I offer you photos. Hopefully, enjoy.