Sunday, July 02, 2006

Don't Roll Your Eyes, People

I know, I know, the ads aren't the coolest. I apologize, but since I'm looking for a job this summer and since Russ and I are living off bulk spaghetti in the meantime, this is just one more way to make a little side change. I had to take drastic measures -- Russ laid out this elaborate plan to turn Saturdays into aluminum can collecting day. So clearly, it was either this or digging through other people's property.

So don't blame me. Blame Russ.


Hippo said...

Ads are cool, but now I have to scroll all the way down to see your profile pic that I completely got used to have on the right side in the screen when I open your blog. Is this because PCs aren't cool?

sarahww said...

ah, yes, it looks very different on my mac. Hmm.

well, I'm going to try to figure out a better alternative for my PC Peeps out there.

kristan said...

Lemonade stand! Lemonade stand!