Monday, September 04, 2006

We Do Not Interrupt Anything Like A Broadcast For This News

My posting life has sadly ebbed as new responsibilities and schedules have taken over. I have only had the urge to sit down and pound out some blogs on this front about a zillion times in the last week. So many changes spark my interest in the new and the old in life -- for instance, my new life-gig involves something new, as in new curriculum, and something old, as in I'm teaching at the university from which I graduated six years ago. Now all I need is something borrowed and blue and I'll be ready to really take the plunge.

In between all the driving and teaching and taking in of surrealness, I've been flying through Buffy the Vampire Slayer episodes. I'm in the middle of season 4 (Riley Finn territory, as Hillery says) and seemingly unable to think of anything else meaningful or carry on normal lines of thought without wondering what twists Joss Whedon is going to throw at me next. Oh, and the way you know that both Russ and I are addicted? We throw around "Joss" in casual conversation all the time, such as "That's totally what Joss would say!" or "Do you think Joss likes M*a*s*h?" We now factor him into all our theoretical conversations and try and guage his response.

This is how you know you're really addicted to a show.

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