Tuesday, December 05, 2006

The Joys of Teaching

Today, I was teaching a lesson on not relying on "to be" verbs in essays and I used an activity which required my students to write and then, revise a statement, one that most likely included a lot of versions of "to be" verbs. It was harder than they thought; a few of them even claimed it was impossible.

But then, the light came on and they saw what I was getting at (it helped that I told them exactly what I was getting at). The light coming on in one student sounded like this: "Hey -- is this what we're supposed to do in our papers?"

(This was also the student who posed the question: "So if Jesus says he's coming back when the world ends and it takes 48 nuclear bombs to blow up the entire world, then if we detonate all those bombs, wouldn't that mean that Jesus has to come back?")

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