Thursday, March 02, 2006

Didn't We...?

I got tapped to carry this on by the one and only Eitan:

Okay, I really never do this, but this one is really good...

If you read this, if your eyes are passing over this right now, (even if we don't speak often) please post a comment with a COMPLETELY MADE UP AND FICTIONAL memory of you and me.

It can be anything you want - good or bad - BUT IT HAS TO BE FAKE.

When you're finished, post this little paragraph on your blog...


t.l. blagg said...

okay...will do

sarahww said...

This is from Christina:
Remember that time in Sri Lanka? Yeah, you remember . . . all those worms and the cocunut milk everywhere. I can't believe how sick we were. You know, we're lucky to have survived the air drop, let alone the tree snakes. I'm so glad I was there with you though. It almost makes all the recurring nightmares worth it.

kristan said...

Ah, our old days as groupies for Whitesnake. "Down the only road I've eva' know-own!" I can hear the screaming crowds now. It was such a high after every show when you and I would divvy up the roadies between us. Sarah, there's no one I would rather share the memory of those sluttly good times with!

russell said...

Whenever I eat a snow cone I think about the time you and I hiked through the Himalayas and our Yetti guide with the cut offs. Those were the days. We got drunk on Chi tea and stale buscuits. We were shit-faced in the morning, but I never felt more alive.

russell said...

Sorrry about the spelling error. I wanted to say buiscuts. Anyway, life was good then as you can tell. Spelling meant nothing. We lived for the moment.

russell said...

Fuck the buiscuts. What I wanted to say was biscuits. How's that for memories.