Exhibit A: Crusing down the vegetable/prepared food/chips/cheese aisle, I saw Tiffany stocking lettuce. Tiffany is quite possibly the nicest person in the world. She always shrieks, "Hey girl!" and tonight, she gave me a side-hug. I ask you -- how many people side-hug their grocery store employees? I can't see myself ever siding it with the tired, grumpy looking people who work at the local Vons. They seem determinedly anti-hug.
Exhibit B: Here are their names and/or personality descriptions: Tiffany, Justin, April, the woman who usually runs the try-it-now bar who also owns her own catering business, Jason, Mike (see below), Laura, the woman with funky glasses who just had a baby and who I chatted with at the post office the other day, Sarah (punky lip ring), Chad 2 (the guy who is the evil twin of my friend Chad), Deanna, the woman with the dark, thick hair on her arms who is very, very nice...need I go on?
Exhibit C: They all know what Russ and I are doing on the weekends and that we're addicted to the chocolate toffee almonds.
Exhibit D: Unlike all other alcohol distributers, they know that although I may look like a college freshman, I'm actually a teacher of college freshman and thus, they no longer ask for my I.D. Ahh. One less card I have to pull out.
Exhibit E: Tonight, when I was leaving, Mike, a tall, skater-sort of guy, held up a finger that indicated I should wait a moment. Mike is a cool guy, really funny. As soon as he finished with his customer, he said, "Check it out." He then rolled up his shorts to his mid-thigh and showed me the continuation of his tattoo whose progress Russ and I have both been monitoring. It starts at his foot, then moved past his ankle to his knee, and now, it's up to his mid-thigh. Imagine what he'll show me next.
And you thought I was being ironic with the whole slut thing.
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