The Isle of Wight t-shirt has a long history of offense. As you can see, it's very old. The embroidered steering wheels and sailing ships have definitely faded since I first encountered it. I believe the story goes something like this: Russ got it somewhere in England. It was either a gift from a friend or he saw it, and since it basically shows that there's an island named after his family line, he bought it. Or he jumped for joy when he opened it (if we're going with the friend-gift-theory). It is the t-shirt of his isle dreams.

I've never liked the shirt. It reminds me of the shirts that my grandma Adra wears. She's an 80-something woman, so she's allowed a little embroidery, a little froo-froo scripting of places she's visited via t-shirt. Plus, she can barely see anymore, so we're all really sympathetic when she shows up with mismatched cardigan buttoning and too-short stretch pants.
He didn't love it until I told him I thought it was aesthetically offensive. My feelings, of course, have made it Russ' favorite shirt. Now when he puts it on - which, I'll admit, is less than he used to - he struts around the house. I swear. It's at least a swagger.
Russ and I have had the Isle of Wight discussion many times. It goes something like this:
Me (playing it cool, unconcerned): "When are you going to get rid of that shirt?"
Russ (grinning): "Oh, never, I think. It's a great shirt."
Me: "No it's not. You just say that because you know I hate it."
Russ: "It's my favorite shirt. Plus, it's got my name on it. Your last name, too, ha ha."
Me: "My last name is hyphenated."
Russ: "Actually, it's a spaced double, so technically, Wightman is the last of your last names."
Me: "The shirt is ugly."
Russ: "No, it's not."
Me (losing my cool): "Get rid of the fucking shirt, Russ."
Russ (still grinning): "You know -- I think I'm going to wear it out tonight."
1 comment:
I say. This is a great shirt. It is comfortable and educational.
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