Saturday, January 07, 2006

Come on down (or up, depending on which way you're coming from)

I have been watching a bit of the Price is Right while working out this week. I watched this one guy totally bomb the game Plinko, the one with the chips that you send down a honeycomb-like board and that you can win up to $100,000. I think I would be very good at this game, as does Kristan, who has spent time researching the game as well. But this guy played it all wrong. He put the chip in the middle every time and any Plinko afficiando knows that putting it in the middle always leads to hitting the two 0s on either side of the very middle slot, which is $10,000. He had all four chips and I watched him put all four in the middle, only for him to walk away with $0.00.


Anyway, tomorrow is the Life on a Plate reading at the Coffee Gallery in Altadena. Come if you can -- it promises to be a caffinatedly marvelous time.

1 comment:

sarahww said...
