Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Four to the Third

So much fun did I have reading kristan's four (which she was tagged to do by her friend who originated the four) that I had to carry on this charming questionare. Plus, the State of the Union is on TV and who wants to watch that?

Four jobs I’ve had:

1. Law Office Secretary
2. Newspaper Editor
3. Publications Director
4. Creative Writing Teacher

Four movies I like:
1. Rushmore
2. The BBC version of Pride and Prejudice
3. Orange County
4. Chicago

Four TV shows I love:
1. Lost
2. Grey's Anatomy
3. Dancing with the Stars
4. The Simpsons

Four places I’ve lived:
1. Aurora
2. La Mirada
3. Pasadena
4. Monrovia

Four places I’ve vacationed:
1. Belize
2. England
3. Israel/Palestine
4. Arkansas

Four of my favorite dishes:
1. Shrimp tacos
2. Sushi tostadas
3. A good hamburger
4. Moraccan Chicken

Sites I visit daily:
1. L.A. Times
2. Wikipedia
3. Bookslut
4. friends' sites

Four places I would rather be right now:
1. Laying on the couch with a husband beside me and a warm dog in my lap
2. On a beach anywhere pleasantly warm where the ocean doesn't have huge, scary waves
3. Shopping for everyone I love with an unlimited gift certificate
4. Hanging with friends, especially those who live far away (Illinois, North Carolina)

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