Monday, January 30, 2006

Inferno -- That's Hot

Been reading Dante's Inferno all weekend and will be reading a millennial update of the epic this week. Of course, it's far from hell when you're sipping a cold Frappuccino while reading.

Alfredo, a classmate of mine, sent this quiz called Dante's Inferno Test. See how far you fall.


kristan said...

i am in the eighth level of Hell--the Malebolge, to which the fraudulent, the malicious, and the panderers are damned. it says my score is "high." is that a bad thing?

steve got a "low" score--sixth level of Hell, city of Dis.

what's yours, sarah??

sarahww said...

The quiz seemed not sure whether to put me in purgatory or in the first level of hell with Virgil and the Gang. I ultimately somehow escaped damnation and was put in purgatory. My score for purgatory was "EXTREME." As in, I'll be doing a lot of physcially intense repenting.